
Utility for creating collections of web pages to provide slideshows, etc.

Project maintained by BillZaumen Hosted on GitHub Pages — Theme by mattgraham


Webnail can

To install, visit the Debian Repository page and follow the instructions for setting up /etc/apt to access that repository, and install libbzdev-base-java, libbzdev-math-java, libbzdev-obnaming-java, libbzdev-graphics-java, libbzdev-desktop-java, webnail, and webnail-pop-icons. For non-Debian Linux systems, there is a direct links page for downloading Debian packages, which the program alien can convert into RPM packages, etc. For other systems, visit the installers page, use the bzdev and webnail links to download installers (each is a JAR file), and then follow the instructions on that page for running an installer.


There is a manual, also built into webnail as part of its ‘help’ system.


There is a docker image available (wtzbzdev/webnail) that provides a web server that allows multiple computers to show the same slideshow at the same time. The web page for this server will provide the latest version number. The server will handle the webpages generated by webnail, whether provided as a ZIP file, a WAR file, or a directory.


The first image shows webnail’s main window:

webnail main window

The second image shows webnail’s window for editing images - adding titles, reordering images, etc.:

image editor window

The final image shows a web page generated by webnail:

image editor window