
Overview and archives for the BZDev class library and some applications of it

Project maintained by BillZaumen Hosted on GitHub Pages — Theme by mattgraham

The BZDev Debian Repository

Links to other sections:

The BZDev Debian repository contains a small number of Debian packages and is intended for use until these are available elsewhere. This repository is set up to support a large number of architectures: i385, amd64, Armel, armhf, arm64, mipsel, mips64el, ppc64el, and s390x because the packages are not system dependent.

There is a “one liner” for activating this repository:

curl | sh

This will create two files in subdirectories of /etc/apt/.

The script uses sudo -k so that a password is always required. This can be annoying in scripts. In that case, one can use

curl | sh

For either case, the command will fail with an exit status of 1 if the command

lsb_release -c -s

does not print either “hirsute”, “impish”, or “jammy” (the codenames for the releases currently recognized).

For those not comfortable running code they have not inspected, the individual steps (there are only a few) are provided below, and each can be run separately.

Setting up apt so that it can use HTTPS

GitHub’s web servers always use HTTPS. To ensure that apt can handle this protocol for older versions of apt, run the command

apt-get install apt-transport-https

This should not be necessary after apt version 1.5: recent versions of apt provide HTTPS support by default.

Configuring apt so it can use the BZDev Debian repository.

If the “one liner” was not used, the repository can be enabled by executing the following steps. These steps should be performed in an empty directory.

First run the command

curl -s -o BZDev.gpg

to copy the GPG key used to sign files in the archive. To verify that the correct key was downloaded, one can run

gpg --show-keys BZDev.gpg

If this command prints a line containing


the correct key was downloaded. To continue, run the command

sudo cp BZDev.gpg /etc/apt/trusted.gpg.d/org.bzdev.BZDev.gpg

to install the key. Many web pages suggest using apt-key instead, but that program is being deprecated.

Next, run the command

echo deb \
   `lsb_release -s -c` contrib  > s.list

and then

sudo cp s.list /etc/apt/sources.list.d/org.bzdev.BZDev.list

Finally, run the command

sudo apt update

At this point, the archive will be available for use by apt (and other package managers for Debian repositories). The archive provides several Debian packages, listed below.

Debian packages for the BZDev class library

The packages are the following:

Debian packages for supplemental libraries

Debian packages for programs and miscellaneous files

Other Package Managers

For other package managers, the program alien can convert debian packages to other package-manager formats. As a warning, one should hand-check any scripts (the ones in the Debian packages merely set up symbolic links and call programs to update icons and media types, which would otherwise require rebooting). To use alien, it is necessary to download the Debian packages, probably without using apt or apt-get. To help locate these, there is a list of package links.

Docker Containers

The following Docker containers are available:


Installers for other systems are available as JAR files. Please visit Installer JAR Files for a list of links for downloading installers. Each installer can be run using the command

java -jar INSTALLER

where INSTALLER is a JAR file.