Overview and archives for the BZDev class library and some applications of it
Links to other sections:
Other Package Managers. How to convert to RPM, etc.
Docker Containers. Docker containers based on this library.
Installers. Installers for other Unix systems and Windows.
The BZDev Debian repository contains a small number of Debian packages and is intended for use until these are available elsewhere. This repository is set up to support a large number of architectures: i385, amd64, Armel, armhf, arm64, mipsel, mips64el, ppc64el, and s390x because the packages are not system dependent.
There is a “one liner” for activating this repository:
curl https://billzaumen.github.io/bzdev/setup.sh | sh
This will create two files in subdirectories of /etc/apt/
The script setup.sh uses sudo -k so that a password is always required. This can be annoying in scripts. In that case, one can use
curl https://billzaumen.github.io/bzdev/setup-no-sudo-k.sh | sh
For either case, the command will fail with an exit status of 1 if the command
lsb_release -c -s
does not print either “hirsute”, “impish”, or “jammy” (the codenames for the releases currently recognized).
For those not comfortable running code they have not inspected, the individual steps (there are only a few) are provided below, and each can be run separately.
GitHub’s web servers always use HTTPS. To ensure that apt
can handle
this protocol for older versions of apt, run the command
apt-get install apt-transport-https
This should not be necessary after apt version 1.5: recent versions of apt provide HTTPS support by default.
If the “one liner” was not used, the repository can be enabled by executing the following steps. These steps should be performed in an empty directory.
First run the command
curl -s -o BZDev.gpg https://billzaumen.github.io/bzdev/BZDev.gpg
to copy the GPG key used to sign files in the archive. To verify that the correct key was downloaded, one can run
gpg --show-keys BZDev.gpg
If this command prints a line containing
the correct key was downloaded. To continue, run the command
sudo cp BZDev.gpg /etc/apt/trusted.gpg.d/org.bzdev.BZDev.gpg
to install the key. Many web pages suggest using apt-key instead, but that program is being deprecated.
Next, run the command
echo deb https://billzaumen.github.io/bzdev/archive/ \
`lsb_release -s -c` contrib > s.list
and then
sudo cp s.list /etc/apt/sources.list.d/org.bzdev.BZDev.list
Finally, run the command
sudo apt update
At this point, the archive will be available for use by apt
other package managers for Debian repositories). The archive provides
several Debian packages, listed below.
The packages are the following:
libbzdev-java (the Debian package with dependencies on the following 13 packages)
libbzdev-anim2d-java (the Debian package for the module org.bzdev.anim2d).
libbzdev-base-java (the Debian package for the module org.bzdev.base).
libbzdev-desktop-java (the Debian package for the module org.bzdev.desktop).
libbzdev-devqsim-java (the Debian package for the module org.bzdev.devqsim).
libbzdev-dmethods-java (the Debian package for the module org.bzdev.dmethods).
libbzdev-drama-java (the Debian package for the module org.bzdev.drama).
libbzdev-ejws-java (the Debian package for the module org.bzdev.ejws).
libbzdev-esp-java (the Debian package for the module org.bzdev.esp).
libbzdev-graphics-java (the Debian package for the module org.bzdev.graphics).
libbzdev-math-java (the Debian package for the module org.bzdev.math).
libbzdev-obnaming-java (the Debian package for the module org.bzdev.obnaming).
libbzdev-parmproc-java (the Debian package for the module org.bzdev.parmproc).
libbzdev-p3d-java (the Debian package for the module org.bzdev.p3d).
libbzdev-util (the Debian package containing the programs lsnof, sbl, scrunner, and yrunner).
libbzdev-misc (the Debian package providing icons for files of various types and their media/MIME types).
libbzdev-doc (the API Documention using a default style).
libbzdev-darkmode-doc (the API documentation using a revere-video, high contrast theme for better readibility).
libbzdev-pop-icons (the Debian package setting up icons for Pop!_OS).
libbikeshare-java (A simulation of a bicycle-sharing system, useful as an example).
libbikeshare-doc (the API documentation for bicycle-sharing simulation using the default style).
libbikeshare-darkmode-doc (the API documentation for bicycle-sharing simulation using a high-contrast, reverse-video theme).
libosgbatik-java (the Debian package for a service provider for SVG graphics, based on the Apache Batik project). This makes svg a recognized image type for writing graphics files using the OuputStreamGraphics class provided by the libbzdev-graphics-java package.
librdanim-java (the Debian package for classes that extend the libbzdev-anim2d-java package in order to create animations of cars, pedestrians, and bicycles).
librdanim-doc (the Debian package with documentation for librdanim-java using the default style).
librdanim-darkmode-doc (the Debian package with documentation for librdanim-java usig a dark-mode style).
bzdev-wallpapers (Screen backgrounds based on Hilbert’s space-filling curve).
cvrdecode (A program to decode California digital vaccine records and create a table giving names, date of birth, and whether or not fully vaccinated).
emacs-espmode-el (Files for configuring emacs lisp for providing a mode for editing ESP files, which either end in the extension “.esp” or whose contents start with a number sign, an exclamation point, and /usr/bin/scrunner, with no intervening spaces or tabs).
epts (A graphics editor for paths that can export files in a variety of formats including SVG and the scripting language used by the simulation and animation softwre listed above).
evdisk (A simple Linux-based utility that will create an encrypted file system using LUKS, accessed via the loopback device; the password [32 random printable characters] is provided as well but encrypted using GPG).
gethdrs (A utility that will print out HTTP headers returned from an HTTP request, including those from an HTTP redirect). This was previously named geth but an unrelated package is using that name.
qrlauncher (A utility that will decode QR codes and automatically open an application for viewing the contents, typically be passing a file or a URL to a browser).
webnail (A graphics program that can take multiple image files, scale them to fit inside a bounding box, an generate a set of web pages that can display the images as a slide show). Webnail has a built-in web server that allows multiple computers to show the same images at the same time.
webnail-pop-icons (Icons for webnail for use with Pop!_OS.)
webnail-server (a simplified webnail package that provides a server but cannot create output files or directories - used when only the web server needs to be installed.)
libecdb-java (A library used to implement a service that can email calendar appointments.)
ecdb-javamail (An ecdb service provider that allows ecdb to use javamail; javamail must be downloaded separately.)
libecdb-doc (ecdb API documentation using the default style.)
libecdb-darkmode-doc (ecdb API documentation using a dark-mode style.)
ecdb-desktop (The ecdb desktop files, ecdb command, and man pages.)
ecdb-derby (Package to configure the Derby database for use with ecdb; the Derby database must be downloaded separately.)
ecdb-pop-icons (ecdb icons for Pop!_OS.)
For other package managers, the program alien can convert debian packages to other package-manager formats. As a warning, one should hand-check any scripts (the ones in the Debian packages merely set up symbolic links and call programs to update icons and media types, which would otherwise require rebooting). To use alien, it is necessary to download the Debian packages, probably without using apt or apt-get. To help locate these, there is a list of package links.
The following Docker containers are available:
wtzbzdev/cvrdecode: a container that creates a web server that can process a ZIP file containing California digital vaccine records, verify the digital signatures, and provide a CSV file with a line for each record.
wtzbzdev/epimodel: A container that creates a web server that will run a simple epidemiological model and show the output as a graph.
wtzbzdev/webnail: A container that creates a web server that can provide web pages generated by the webnail program.
Installers for other systems are available as JAR files. Please visit Installer JAR Files for a list of links for downloading installers. Each installer can be run using the command
java -jar INSTALLER
where INSTALLER is a JAR file.